Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Statement of the Leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate Regarding the Recent Propaganda about Negotiation

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Quoting the Daily Sunday Times, some mass media outlets have reported that the leadership of the Islamic Emirate is ready to participate in a dialogue with the USA. The Sunday Times has published the report against all codes of journalism, on the basis of two unknown and alleged members of the Leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate. Other news agencies have published it without any alternations and verification from the official and well-known spokesmen of the Islamic Emirate. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, while believing that such farcical rumors is a fatuous propaganda stunt of the moribund enemy, declares its stand as follows:

1. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan emphasizes its unwavering stand regarding talks with the Americans and considers unconditional withdrawal of all invading forces from Afghanistan as a prerequisite for talks and negotiation with the Americans. Talks with America in conditions of presence of foreign forces would mean giving their invasion legitimacy.

2. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan believes that the presence of Americans in Afghanistan is the main factor of instability in Afghanistan and the whole region. So any deal under the name of negotiation is a betrayal to the Islamic aspirations of the people of Afghanistan and all vital interests as long as this factor remains in its place.

3. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has an organizational set-up inside the country for the conduct and advancement of all Jihad activities against the invaders. The organizational entity by the name of Quetta Council which the enemy ascribes to the Islamic Emirate is a groundless and fabricated designation which has no existence on ground.

4. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has appointed two spokesmen for the clarification and elucidation of its official policy. These two spokesmen are entrusted with the duty to pronounce stand of the Islamic Emirate and explain the policy of the Islamic Emirate regarding all pertinent issues of the country. If some one speaks on behalf of the Islamic Emirate, it should be verified from these two spokesmen. Every posturing or political course of action which bobs up in the Western media from time to time, being contrary to the official line of the Islamic Emirate and lacking prior verification from the official spokesmen of the Islamic Emirate, is categorically a part of the enemy maligning campaign against the Islamic Emirate. It does not reflect or represent the official stand of the Islamic Emirate.

5. The leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate respectfully urges all independent news agencies and media outlets to fulfill their due obligations of journalism while publishing such report and observe all journalistic rules and norms in this regards. Similarly avoid painting such assertions of unknown persons as the official stand of the Islamic Emirate without prior clarification and verification from the official spokesmen of the Islamic Emirate.

The Leadership Council

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Source: Theunjustmedia.

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